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FROM PLAN TO VET ***A*** - Review by citysearch c | Animal Medical Ctr

Animal Medical Ctr


FROM PLAN TO VET ***A*** 7/6/2006

I've NEVER had a bad expirence, ever. My puppy princess loves the vets and I believe we've seen all of them. I will mention that I've had to wait a time or two, but the service and care that the vets provide makes it all worth it. My Xenna gets very nervous and they put her at ease before they do anything! I love the plans that they offer as well, it makes it truely afordable to get everything done. We pay under $20.00 a month and there have been times when she's gotten into something and we were there four times that month--which would normally cost more than $150.00! You can't beat it. PROS: Attitudes, level of caring, pricing and ability to drop off and pick up. CONS: Size and number of office persons (NOT vets, but desk clerks). more
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