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Businiess name:  Port City Plastic Surgery
Review by:  citysearch c.
Review content: 
I highly recommend Dr. Widenhouse, and his assistant Athena made me feel very comfortable. I have always had a trouble area my love handles! They were terrible I tried everything I could to get rid of them but nothing seemed to work. Even when I was extremely fit I still had that as a problem area. I finally decided to go see Dr. Widenhouse about it, and he said that he thought lipo of my waist area would be the perfect fix. And he was so right I decided to go through the procedure; which by the way was reasonably priced, and I could not be more happy with the results. The incision sites are almost completely gone with minimal to no scarring at all. My waist could not get any smaller unless you removed bone haha! So if you have any trouble stubborn areas that you have tried everything to get rid of I highly recommend Port City Plastic Surgery for you service!

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