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Businiess name:  Nine Minute Oil & Lube
Review by:  citysearch c.
Review content: 
OKAY. I gotta be totally honest. I hate taking my car in for service checks and oil changes. Why? Because I always feel like the stores are taking advantage of my limited knowledge of the cars. When the guys at Jiffy Lube are zipping through the terms and urging me to fix this and fix that, before I know it, my bill adds up. Even worse, I don't even know what the appropriate amount is, so I end up paying for the whole package only to be told later that I got ripped off from my dad. I found 9-Minute through word-of-mouth and through Yelp. And let me tell you: I AM STICKING WITH THIS PLACE. The employees there are amazing. It really seems like they actually care about my car, even more, about my safety. They are extremely friendly and their customer service is top-notch. What I really appreciate is their sincerity and honesty. I never felt pressured to get a non-sense service, and the owner there directs to me step by step on what I should do to handle other car problems with my dealership. Moreover, I can actually watch them while they perform the service on my car and learn the basics of it all. My dad was afraid that I'd get ripped off again at Jiffy Lube, so he had me ask the manager at 9-Minute on what oil they use. He showed me the bottle of oil that he was putting in my car, and it's Penzoil. Everybody seems to agree that this is a good-quality oil to maintain your car. Even more, the price is cheaper than other places, too. The team at 9-Minute is absolutely fabulous. Having moved to Boston for school, I always go back to this same place when I drive back home. I can't believe they remember me! Efficient, dedicated, and caring, I would DEFINITELY recommend this place to everyone. Pros: SERVICE, Efficiency, Customer-service, Knowledge, Short Waiting Time Cons: wish there were more locations!

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