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Rude and Unprofessional - Review by citysearch c | Rocky Mountain Electronic

Rocky Mountain Electronic


Rude and Unprofessional 4/9/2012

I called the company to let them know one of their van drivers (107) was driving agressively, The driver was cutting people off, tailgating, and speeding. The only way I was able to get the number was when he kept being caught at the red light no futher ahead then if he had driven reasonably for the 3 miles. When I called in with the report, which I would want, the Manager/co-owner Joe Cross, was rude, confrontative and basically said "" just be cause you say so doesnt make it true. I asked him at one point if he could quit arguing and yelling and let me just give my information for him to deal with as he wanted. He could not. I would suggest that the type of advertising they are getting with aggresive driving and confrotative mangers would indicate how any problems are solved with this company. I have given my recommendation to all my business friends. On a high note the receptionist is apparently the only one in the company with customer skills and was quite polite. more
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