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Terrible service, they seemed confused - Review by citysearch c | Venetian Terrace

Venetian Terrace


Terrible service, they seemed confused 12/10/2010

I just returned from my company holiday luncheon, held at Venetian Terrace. The good points were that the place was pretty and clean and the appetizers, bread and desserts were delicious. The bad points were that service was terrible and some of the food was unappetizing. There were about 40 people in our party. There were two servers. At the time of booking the luncheon, we each selected from the choices provided for entrees and desserts, so they would know how many of each to prepare. The appetizers arrived prior to the plates for appetizers. We had to ask for plates. The entrees came out one main dish at a time, so that anyone who ordered the beef was served and the others at the table sat for 15 min before the chicken came out and another 15 min. before the pasta arrived. There was not the correct number of selected dishes so there was an additional delay for some who ordered pasta. Those who ordered beef were finished eating long before the pasta dish arrived for others at the same table. Meanwhile, drinks were not refilled, not even water. Several times I searched the room for a server to ask for water and no server was in sight. The salad was soaked in dressing to the point of inedibility. The chicken dish was good but the roast beef was covered in a gray sauce that looked terrible and was barely touched. The pasta received approval in general. I guess this is a regular restaurant though three customers, not with our party, came in and were ignored, so they left. I can't recommend this place to anyone. The desserts were great, but everything that came before made the event a trial to endure instead of a wonderful party. more
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