WOW! My daughter prom for this yr was supposed to be memorable, but we didnt expect this for a memory.
I took my daughter into this store cuz my neighbor claimed how great the place was. I loaded a prepaid cash card with some money and we walken in there in february..well, we find the ''perfect''dress, in store but we needed to have her fitted and measured to order the dress in a diff size. No problem right? Not so fast. I ''prepay'' for the dress at a cost of about $600. I thought that way, we dont owe anything when it comes in, well 2 days after the order, one of the employees calls me to say the dress we picked out was ''discontinued'' .....WHAT!! GOOD GRIEF,WHAT DO I DO NOW? so we go back to the store, we already paid cash for a dress we cant get, ok, pick another dress...daughter heartbroken,,,she gets over it to find a 2nd dress she would like... ok, that also has been ''discontinued''. I say, show us what ISNT DISCONTINUED so we can get something ordered.None of the employees could say which ones cuz they wont know til we order something. 3rd times a charm, right? slow down, cuz the 3rd dress is not available either.... WELL, thats it, please put the money back on my cash card so i can go elsewhere. NO CAN DO they said. What do you mean? I just paid you $600 because i am rich? I work all week not to throw money away, How you gonna pay me my money????
Store Manager, not available for dayyyyssss. Somehow, after threatening to freak on them days later, suddenly I had my money back, even thought they didnt know how to pay me.
We ended up at Jocelynns Bridal in Clifton park.. guess what? We found the original dress at their store for a fraction of the cost, plus free matching heels, jewelry to go with the dress and a complimentory steaming of the dress. Wow!!! We had money left to put a downpayment on another item -------BEWARE