id: 39091427

4490 Highland Dr
Salt Lake City, UT 84124

(801) 867-0038
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Summer SALE!!!:
15% OFF all yearly plans
Use year15 at checkout. Expires 1/1/2021
Owner Message
  • Come in, sit down and enjoy our friendly atmosphere.. Tobaccos,Humidor,Cigars,Glass Pipes,Incense,Beer,Smoothies,Soft Drinks,Coffee,Flavored Coffees,Lattes,Frapes',Chai Tea,Specialty Drinks,Teas Capucinnos,
    Espresso and much,much more.

    Huge selection of E-Gigs and accessories...

    Electronic cigarettes are taking the smoking industry by storm! Over 2 billion e-cigarettes have been sold and the numbers keep climbing. Industry giants have joined the fray as the old adage,“if you can't beat them,join them” seems to be the mantra coming out of the big tobacco companies. A large percentage of smokers that try “vaping” report success in quiting traditional tobacco products that are combusted. This is great news for smokers as the failure of patches,gum and prescribed drugs have finally met their match. Try vaping and see if you can join the mass of people who have successfully quit smoking!

Additional information
  • Hours: Mon - Fri 7:00 am - 11:00 pm, Sat 8:00 am - 11:00 pm, Sun 9:00 am - 10:00 pm
  • Neighborhoods: Millcreek