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Businiess name:  Kids R Kids
Review by:  Denise R.
Review content: 
Although my child is only in the afterschool program here, I'm still a descriminating consumer... For the most part, the center is clean and well-run. They are somewhat inflexible with the afterschool program (you must enroll for a 5 day week and pay the full amt ($71.00) even if you don't send your kid every day) however, they are in partnership with the public schools and it would be difficult for them to keep track of who should/should not be on the bus every day if the schedules varied. They offer full day care on school holidays for an additional $17.00 / day and that includes lunch and a snack. I'd like to see it split up into 2 classes by age; now there are about 40 kids with 2 teachers in one room and it seems pretty chaotic to me some days! Age range is also 1st grade - 5th grade all in one group, which must be intimidating for the young ones and somewhat boring for the older kids. This is my 1st experience with off-site afterschool care, so I don't know if this is the norm. wrkingmom

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