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Businiess name:  Carmosino's Buddie Sausage Co.
Review by:  Bev P.
Review content: 
Erie is one of the only places you will ever hear of an Ox Roast sandwich. I'm not sure why but anyone native to this area knows that it's a staple in most everyone's diet, especially at get together where food is involved. For those of you already asking... no, it's not ox but it is roast! lol Lean, thin pieces of beef sliced to perfection and then basted and slow cooked in a variety of "their very own juices" there are many takes on this age old and loved recipe of the Erie area. While a lot of us grew up loving the obvious local meat company, Smith's, version I have to confess. You haven't tasted authentic, awesomely tender, wonderfully juicy and flavorful ox roast until you have tried Carmosino's. Located on the corner of 38th & Elmwood this little deli style store offers one of the best Italian delis around. Not only can you get their own homemade ox roast but they offer some wonderful homemade baked goods and excellent, lean Italian deli meats such as cappicola. You simply cannot beat Carmosino's deli but especially for their ox roast!

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