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Businiess name:  Venetian Terrace
Review by:  citysearch c.
Review content: 
I recently had my wedding here and was totally confident everything would go as planned. Sasha was always very nice and whenever we had meetings I'd give him diagrams and layouts of how I'd like the room to be set up etc. I felt comfortable that everything would be ok. We had requested specifically two types of beer to be served at our wedding, Shiner Bock and Fat Tire. The Shiner Bock was out within the first 15 minutes of the reception, and there was no Fat Tire at all. We had specifically requested that the bartender ask for ID because there were a few underage drinkers there and we didn't want anyone getting too out of control. We also requested that there be no shots served to anyone except the wedding party because they were very expensive, and the only option for the bar is to be prepaid. Well, not only were all the kids drinking but everyone had shots, the bar tab ran $1500 over what we had asked for. Also I asked for ivory linens, which I did get, but the napkins were white. It looked so horrible.. Ivory linens with white napkins? I called Sasha in the middle of our reception and told him that there was no Shiner or Fat Tire, about 45 minutes later it arrived. So he did take care of it in that aspect. But no bride should have to call around asking for what she's made very clear for months before the wedding even occurred. The room looked very nice, the outdoor ceremony was very beautiful. It was only a few minor things, but the only reason it made me so mad is because I gave him a diagram and printout of all the instructions of how we'd like everything. It was in black and white and it still didn't happen. I still had a blast, but it was such simple things on their part I don't understand how they could have been missed. Pros: Beautiful Setting, Excellent Food, Good Deal. Cons: Somewhat unorganized and can overlook little things that are important.

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