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Businiess name:  Lin Lar Pet Boutique
Review by:  citysearch c.
Review content: 
I took my puppy to lin-lar for a gromming.When I went to pick her up she acted as though she was medicated and like she did'ent know me and she was limping.Turns out she had a broken hip.The owner said she did not know what happen to her,but she did pay for her surgery.I found out later that she let her fall off the table.I should have posted this sooner,this happened years ago and she has had complications since.Every time I think about it I get upset and blame myself because I chose to take her there.This place smells horrible and the owner has been in business too long and just doesn't care anymore. I have heard horror story's about this place since,but none before I went.This is just my warning to all the dog lovers out there,BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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