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Businiess name:  Charter Funding - Hawaii's Mortgage Broker
Review by:  Karen L.
Review content: 
As a real estate agent and investor & find it very important in this market to have a reputable loan agent. A good reputation goes a long way when a seller is looking at multiple offers. Lori Fukumoto is a reliable, straight forward, no fast talk loan broker who can make buying a home a little easier for you. She has aided my clients and myself in obtaining financing, even when things got a little tricky. She is "on it" when it comes to deadlines & wont smooth talk a client with promises she cant keep. She may not always say exactly what you want to hear, but she will get you the best loan available for your situation. (Far too many times other loan officers lead a client to believe they can get the lowest rates or qualify for the highest amount, only to research later into the clients history & financial status & change their "song" when it is crunch time. ) Avoid surprises & closing delays and get someone reliable.

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