Laser's Edge Compact Discs


2825 18th St S
Birmingham, AL 35209

(205) 871-3472
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This joint covers only about 1000 to 1500 square feet, but the selection is refreshing. On a recent trip - we enjoy the downtown Homewood neighborhood for shopping and hanging ou...


All reviews seem positive

An oasis amid a sea of mediocrity. 8/5/2006

This joint covers only about 1000 to 1500 square feet, but the selection is refreshing. On a recent trip - we enjoy the downtown Homewood neighborhood for shopping and hanging out, in general - we found some unusual Blue Note jazz and a hearty selection of 1970s pop CDs that we had forgotten about (but we are now extremely happy to have added back into our collection, as our vinyl copies are long gone). The folk and blues selections were delightful, with many older recordings that we would never expect to find in a big chain store. The staff was extremely helpful, and were able to answer our questions quickly and with ease. We were also impressed with their selection of NEW vinyl, which apparently is a recent addition to the store (within the last year or two). more

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A decent little store. 11/30/2005

This place is nice, but not great. They have a decent selection of CDs, but don't expect to find anything really rare or special here. The staff is friendly and helpful. The prices are typical of a CD store in the middle of a somewhat-high-end shopping area. That is, if you're looking for a bargain, seek elsewhere. more

A Sweet CD Store 8/16/2005

Laser's Edge Compact Disc store is a fine little high-brow store with an eclectic selection of Classical, Jazz, Pop, World, R&B. It's well-appointed, with a good arrangement of listening trial stations. Prices are fair to high, rarely cheap, i.e. don't look for specials that often, but the latest in high-quality anything generally gets front display space. Location is right in the middle of downtown Homewood. When you are done stop in for a latte at O'Henry's next door. more

What a local CD store should be 8/13/2005

The Laser's Edge has been around for several years and is located in the heart of Homewood. They cater to hard to find jazz and folk-alternative. The staff is very knowledgable. If you're looking for the new Brittany Spears CD, this store probably isn't for you. If you're looking for a singer-songwriter that isn't at Best Buy, you might try here. One problem is is that the store isn't too big, so their on stock CD supply isn't fabulous. While they can order the CD for you if they don't have it, you can easily do it yourself over the internet. Their prices are all that competitive with the bigger store or with the internet. more
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