Book Exchange


311 East St Ste 2
Plainville, CT 06062

(860) 747-0770
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Used Bookstores

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This used book store is a great place to go. The atmosphere is great with it's funky old time music playing in the background and the owner is so friendly. There is a lot of book ...


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The Book Exchange--used book store 6/22/2006

This used book store is a great place to go. The atmosphere is great with it's funky old time music playing in the background and the owner is so friendly. There is a lot of book catagories to choose from and for the romance, mystery freak that I am, I can spend hours in this store. They are all used books, usually no new books but they are in great condition and they also sell used cd's. So go to one of my favorite places, get lost in the stacks of books or bring in your used books to recieve store credit. --jennysv more
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