Aaaa Airport Limousine


34522 N Scottsdale Rd Ste 622
Scottsdale, AZ 85266

(480) 575-9700
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All reviews seem negative


We had a reservation with a confirmation code and everything... provided specific explicit directions and NOBODY showed up! I called the dispatcher early and they said that the dr...

Don't use them if you want to make it on time!! 8/17/2009

We had a reservation with a confirmation code and everything... provided specific explicit directions and NOBODY showed up! I called the dispatcher early and they said that the driver was on his way and would call us. No call. No car. Called the dispatcher back several times and he didn't answer my calls (screening calls). Driving myself to the airport in a major hurry (leaving late, of course) I get a call - they said they were at my house for 15 minutes. That was a total LIE. My husband was at my house and the driver NEVER showed up. Bottom line, DON'T USE THIS SERVICE! I've had PLENTY of cars take me / pick me up in multiple cities - they've always been EARLY. Never have I had NOBODY SHOW UP and then LIE about it! These people don't DESERVE your business!!!!!! p.s. I would have selected ZERO stars for this business, but they made me select one. Cons: Everything! more
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  • Neighborhoods: Pinnacle Peak